Mental Health Awareness Week (1)

Mental Health Awareness Week: The Importance of Community Arts for Mental Health

Tuesday, 14 May

Community Touring Scheme

Mental Health Awareness Week

This Mental Health Awareness Week we're taking a look at the importance of community art and arts experiences for better mental health.

"There is strong evidence that arts engagement can enhance aspects of social cohesion, including reducing individual loneliness and isolation, increasing prosocial behaviours, reducing aggression and discrimination and improving social consciousness." Department of Behavioural Science & Health

At the heart of all of Live & Local's projects are the communities we work with. Find out more about all our projects here:

Community Touring Scheme

Our rural and community touring scheme helps facilitate relationships between professional artists and communities and gives local people agency over the art in their community.

"Getting involved with the arts can have powerful and lasting effects on health. It can help to protect against a range of mental health conditions, help manage mental ill-health and support recovery."

These events are a fantastic opportunity to bring together people from all walks of life and reduce social isolation.

For more information on how you can get involved, click here.

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Rural Hub Towns

Our Rural Hub Towns project aims to improve access to the arts for people living in rural places, and in doing so, supporting their community and improving quality of life within those communities. From professional shows to watch, workshops to get involved in and live music to move to, there is something for everyone.

"I believe that community arts are an amazing way to build confidence and connectivity amongst local people. It can also be a creative lifeline for people living in rural areas where they do not have access to the same creative provisions as other due to lack of local access.  Not only can it bring people together from all walks of life, but it also gives the opportunity for communities to celebrate creative accomplishments together in live events." Martyn Bignell, Community Engagement Officer

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Live & Local LivingRoom is a series of micro-commissions in which we pair professional artists /companies with a local community group to create a bespoke performance or piece of artwork.

This project gives communities the opportunity to actively participate and contribute to the creation of professional quality art. 

"The project has helped reframe the importance of art for the local community." Holly Dafurn, LivingRoom Artist

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Big Picture Show

Our Warwickshire, Staffordshire and Rushcliffe film schemes offer rural communities the big screen cinema experience in their local venues. Going out to watch a film reduces loneliness and social isolation and engenders a sense of togetherness with a shared cinematic experience. Certain films also enable moments of self discovery which can be beneficial to people's self esteem.

We also host an annual film festival Big Picture Festival in Stratford-Upon-Avon which will be returning for it's fifth year from 29th August - 1st September.

Find out more about the benefits of cinema here.

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Find out more about Mental Health Awareness Week, please click here.

For information on Mental Health Support, please click here.

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