Tuesday, 28 May
Hello, I’m Martyn Bignell and I’m the newly appointed Community Engagement Officer for Alford as part of the Rural Hubs Town project. I’ve taken the reigns from Lesley, who has now begun her great work in Ollerton and Edwinstowe.
I graduated from the University of Lincoln in 2014 and ever since then, I have been very fortunate to work with some of the most talented and generous creative people you’re ever likely to meet - and now I find myself with the brilliant team at Live & Local!
I started my creative life as a deviser for theatre and dance. I love that we can say so much without words and I always tried to explore this in my work. I took some time off making performances for 5 years and focused on working with communities to develop their creative ideas instead. I have recently worked with some friends on a show for the simple pleasure of making art and now have the bug again, so watch this space!
What was your favourite live event or a memorable live event that you attended?
I went to see Gecko’s production of Missing at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2013 and it brought me to tears. Its storytelling and visuals were awe-inspiring and they continue to be one of my favourite companies to go and see.
What did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was younger, all I wanted to be was a stuntman! They were always the coolest and to this day, I still want to be the person who falls off the balconies in the Westerns or do a choreographed fight or fly through a pane of glass.
What do you enjoy most about working in the arts?
I think It’s that moment when individuals or groups begin to see the power and impact of creativity (I include myself in this too). There is nothing better than seeing someone find their voice as a performer, build confidence in making creative decisions, or tackle difficult creative challenges, either on their own or as a team. There’s then that beautiful moment where you see them looking forward to the next creative chapter where they can build on everything they’ve discovered and it warms my heart every time.
This or That?
Cats or dogs? Dogs
Tea or Coffee? Coffee
Cheese or chocolate? Chocolate (I am a chocoholic)
Winter or summer? Winter (I melt and turn into a lobster at the slightest whiff of sunshine)
Shower or bath? Bath
Starter or dessert? Dessert (I am a dessertaholic)
Pop or Rock? Rock (but I would rather 90’s hip hop over both please)
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