This information is primarily intended for periods of time when Met Office amber and red warnings are already, or forecast to be, in force for your area and/or areas through which Live & Local/Shindig artists may be travelling.
Many of our events happen in rural communities which can bring challenges (e.g. access) as well as benefits - everyone pulls together! We do try to keep aware of the weather warnings, but critically it is the artists and the promoters who have most information about their local conditions and have to take decisions. However there are some practical bits of information that are important to be aware of when dealing with these situations.
Meteorological Office Warnings
- Green - No severe weather;
- Yellow - Be aware;
- Amber - Be prepared (Take precautions. Be prepared for some disruption to normal daily routines and longer journey times);
- Red - Take action (Follow orders and any advice given by authorities under all circumstances. Significant disruption to normal routines. Avoid all non-essential journeys)
Keep in Touch
- Keep an eye on the Met Office website for weather warning updates;
- Leave/change the answer phone message(s) on your box office number(s) and website to keep your audience in touch with the situation;
- Contact the artists as soon as possible to give local details about good/bad access routes to the venue and into the community. Keep them up to date with the situation. Remember that even though your immediate area has no problems, the issue may be about where artists are coming from or travelling through. Also if they are on tour they may not be coming from their base address and/or they may be coming from a range of places. They should be in touch with you as well;
- Contact Live & Local if it’s a weekday. We are generally available to 6pm. If the bad weather is forecast for a weekend (Met Office forecasts are generally at least two days ahead) please call us before the weekend.
- If conversations have been had in advance, then we would always either ensure that a member of our staff was available to help make the final decision at the weekend or we will give the promoter and company the authorisation to take the decision based on health and safety or other agreed grounds. In the latter circumstances, ideally the promoter and the company would mutually agree to cancel.
Practical Stuff
- Carry out a risk assessment at the venue, remembering that the artists may need to get [heavy] equipment in as well as checking the audience access. Check steps, slopes and back doors. See here for risk assessment advice.
Cancellations and Postponements
- If the artists arrive at the venue we would generally expect the performance to go ahead, unless health and safety dictates otherwise or the conditions are deteriorating;
- Both the artist and promoter contracts are with Live & Local Ltd not between the promoter and the artist. It is possible that we may not be available to agree a cancellation. In these circumstances, ideally the promoter and the artists should mutually agree to cancel;
- If the event cannot go ahead, try to arrange a postponement date immediately with the artist and let Live & Local Ltd know ASAP. That way you may have some positive information for the audience. However ultimately rescheduled dates would need to be supported by Live & Local;
- Ideally someone needs to be at the venue around half an hour before and after the original start time (See here for cancellation advice);
- If a postponement cannot be arranged immediately, try to get contact details of the audience so you can contact them with the new date;
- The standard practice is that there are no refunds if a performance goes ahead.
- Expected to make all arrangements to get to the venue(s), including travelling earlier, even the day before if practical within the tour schedule, and/or staying over locally both before and/or after the performance (See below re additional expenses incurred);
- Contact promoters to tell them about your situation, travel arrangements, ETA and to get local advice;
- Contact Live & Local if it’s a weekday. We are generally available to 6pm. If the bad weather is forecast for a weekend (Met Office forecasts are generally at least two days ahead) please call us before the weekend.
- If conversations have been had in advance, then we would always either ensure that a member of our staff was available to help make the final decision at the weekend or we will give the promoter and company the authorisation to take the decision based on health and safety or other agreed grounds. In the latter circumstances, ideally the promoter and the company would mutually agree to cancel.
- Both the artist and promoter contracts are with Live & Local Ltd not between the promoter and the artist. It is possible that we may not be available to agree a cancellation. In these circumstances, ideally the promoter and the artists should mutually agree to cancel;
- If the event cannot go ahead, try to arrange a postponement date immediately with the promoter and let Live & Local Ltd know ASAP as rescheduled dates would need to be contracted with Live & Local, not just between the promoter group and the company;
- Note: We may be prepared to pay additional expenses to artists for staying over, however all parties may incur losses due to a smaller audience. Losses may have to be born by everyone! Call us to talk this through in advance of the event.