Join our group of Go And See reviewers for a chance to see shows for free and help us choose the next shows for the Menu!

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See the most recent list of shows here

It's a GAS listings Oct 23- Jan 24

What's it all about?


As part of the Live & Local network you have an opportunity to see great shows on us! It's A GAS! gives you the opportunity to get two free tickets and travelling expenses to Go And See different shows on behalf of Live & Local. All we ask from you in return is a short review of the show. You'll have the chance to see anything from small touring dance companies to live folk, jazz and world music, childrens/family shows to up and coming shows fresh from the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

When you join up you can:

  • See shows for free! These shows can be small scale touring shows in small venues or outdoor shows that could be suitable for Live & Local.
  • Get 2 tickets per show and your travel expenses paid.
  • Get the chance to see fantastic shows - in the past, we have sent people to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.


The deadline to sign up to be an It's A GAS! reviewer has now passed. Please email [email protected] to indicate your interest for future opportunities.

Artists Left Image

Is there a catch?


Well ok, so we do ask you to write a short review of the show in return.

We read and keep every review and they are extremely important when we are putting the Menu together – It's a GAS Reviews may make us decide to put a show into the Menu.

Previous companies to feature on our Menu as a result of It's a GAS include:

Plested & Brown
Strangeface Theatre Company
The Groanbox Boys
Ginny Davies Product

It doesn’t matter if you have never done anything like this before. We want simple, honest opinions of what you thought about the show.

Jamie Wood

Reviewing shows


We'll provide informal training so you know exactly what we need from your reviews. We'll brief you before you go and make sure you're ready!

Look at our Tips for Reviewers form, to get more of an idea on how to review shows. Remember, although we produce the GAS list of shows, if there are any shows you come across that you think might be suitable for our Menu, please let us know.

How does it work?


To join simply email [email protected].
A list of shows is available here and is continually updated. There are usually shows from all across the east and west midlands. Once you have signed up to be a reviewer, if you see a show you would like to see, email [email protected] with a request and we will try and get you to one of them.

Once we've confirmed, you can then book and pay for the tickets (to be claimed back later)

1. We send you a Review Form and Expenses Claim Form
2. Attend the show
3. Write your Review
4. Send back your Review and Expenses Claim form. And voila!


Click here to see the list of shows

It's a GAS listings Oct 23- Jan 24